Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year! :)

We want to wish all of you a Happy and Blessed New Year!!
Hadd kivanjunk mindnyajatoknak Boldog es Aldott Ujevet!!

I love experimenting with photo and video apps. I have recently found a neat one with which you can create photo "paintings" like these. 
Nagyon szeretek foto es video alkalmazasokkal "jatszadozni". Nemreg talaltam ezt az uj alkalmazast, amivel ilyen "vizfestek" kepeket lehet csinalni. 

We dont have a lot of snow in Michigan this winter, but when we have a little we make sure that we take Benjamin out to have some fun playing in it. Scott and Benjamin made this cool snow "mountain"... which was dozed down next day bu the snow plow. :(
Nem sok havunk van Michigan-ben az iden, de amikor van egy kicsi, mindig kivisszuk Beniket jatszani. Scott es Benike epitette ezt a jo kis "ho hegyet" valamelyik nap.... sajnos masnap a hokotro eltolta. :(
An other day they built a cool snowman WITH HAIR :) and they also made a SNOW PUPPY so the snowman would have company. The are both facing the dining room windows so they can "keep an eye on the house". :)
Valamelyik nap a fiuk epitettek egy tokjo hoembert HAJJAL!! :) Meg egy ho-kiskutyat is csinaltak, hogy a  hoember ne legyen egyedul! :) Mindketten az ablakunk fele neznek... szemmel tartjak a hazat! :)

Benike loves drawing. Here he is testing the cool new markers that MITA sent him from Hungary! :)
Benike nagyon szeret rajzolni. Itt eppen a MITA-tol kapott szuper filctollakat teszteli. :)
I took Benjamin outside this afternoon. We couldnt find a sled so I was just pulling him around on this plastic sliding-thing. Nevertheless he was more than excited! He let out little screams as I sped up or spin him around the corner! ;)
Ma delutan en vittem ki a nagyfiut. Szanko hijan ezen a csuszo-valamin huzigaltam korbe-korbe. De annyira elvezte, hogy visongott oromeben! :)

What do you do on a rainy day? Go to Meijer. 
Mit csinalunk egy esos napon? Megyunk a Meijer-be vasarolni. 

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