Friday, February 15, 2013


Scott is fine, he had a very good night of sleep last night.
 They are leaving early Saturday morning for MILANO to speak at a youth missions conference. 
He took a nice little walk around the town (Pietracatella). Here are some pictures. 
Scott jol van, tegnap ejszaka nagyon jol kialudta magat. 
 Szombaton koran reggel indulnak MILANOBA, ahol egy ifjusagi misszios konferencian fognak beszelni. 
Egy jo kis setat tett a varosban (Pietracatella). Itt egy par kep.

This picture below was taken in Boiano. There are bears and wolves in the woods of those snow capped mountains. 
Ez a kep Boianoban keszult. Medvek es farkasok vannak a hatterben levo hegy erdoiben. 

ネコScott's mom and dad stopped by today to drop off a Valentines day gift for Benjamin. 
They arrived just in time for my freshly baked peach pie. 
ネコScott anyukaja es apukaja beugrottak ma hogy Benikenek atadjanak egy kis Balint napi ajandekot. 
Epp idoben erkeztek hogy megkostolhassak a frissen sutott oszibarackos pitemet.

 Benike woke up with a bug today. He was throwing up all morning. So I just made sure he was resting and hydrating. He got much better by the afternoon. Hopefully it was just a little stomach bug. 
Benike rosszul erezte magat ma reggel. Egesz reggel hanyt. Ugyhogy pihentettem es itattam. Delutanra mar sokkal jobban volt. Remelhetoleg csak egy kis virus volt es mar vege. 
ネコWe like drawing. I'm absolutely in love with his pictures. 
Szeretunk rajzolni. Teljesen odavagyok a rajzaiert. 
Top orange one: SUBMARINE
Narancssarga felul: TENGERALATTJARO




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