Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Scott has made it to Pietracatella, Italy!!! I didnt actually talk to him yet, but Antonio sent me a quick message after he picked Scott up at the train station. He said Scott was exhausted and famished... Poor guy. 
The airline also lost his luggage... so I'm praying that he will get it back soon and have clean clothes. 
Scott megerkezett Pietracatella varosaba, Olaszorszagba!!! Meg nem beszeltem vele, de Antonio kuldott egy kis uzenetet miutan felvette Scottot a vonat allomason. Azt mondta, hogy Scott hulla faradt es farkas ehes volt... szegeny! A legitarsasag elvesztette a borondjet...ugyhogy most imadkozom, hogy hamar megkapja es legyen tiszta ruhaja. 

I took Benjamin for his regular 4-year check-up at the pediatrician today. 
He did a good job as the nurse was taking his measurements and checked his blood pressure etc. 
Elvittem ma Beniket a 4-eves altalanos vizsgalatra a gyermekorvoshoz. 
Nagyon kis ugyes volt ahogy a nover megmerte a magassagat, sulyat, vernyomasat... stb. 

Then the big surprise! He got 4 big shots!! Yikes!!
I was most surprised... I always let Scott be with him when he gets shots and I go outside. Well...today.... I didnt have a choice. Poor little guys was shocked as well... those needles were huuuuge!!
He was limping and complaining of pain in his legs the rest of the day. Scott!!!! We miss you!!!!
Aztan jott a nagy meglepetes! 4 nagy szurikat kapott ma!!! Jajjjj!!!!
En voltam a legjobban meglepodve.... Mindig hagyom hogy Scott fogja, amikor szurikat kap, en meg kimegyek addig. Nem birom elviselni. Hat ma nem volt valasztasom. Szegeny Benike utana egesz nap bicegett es fajlalta a kis labait. Nem is csoda...HATALMAS injekciokat kapott! Scott!!! Hol vagy!!!?????

I had two lovely ladies over for lunch today. Jody and Grace... it was truly my pleasure!! Thank you for the sweet conversation and lovely lunch together!
Ebedre ket kedves baratnomet lattam vendegul. Jody es Grace.... koszonom hogy eljottetek!! Nagyon jo volt beszelgetni es egyutt ebedelni!

Check out my cool COIN MAGNETS project HERE
Nezd meg az APROPENZ MAGNES projektemet ITT

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