Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I got some details about Scott's trip to Milano last weekend. They attended a 
youth missions conference
Vegre van egy par informaciom Scott Milanoi hetvegejerol. Egy ifjusagi misszios konferencian vettek reszt. 
"We had about 400 people there from all over Italy. I shared about "What motivates a guy with a wife and son to pack up and move away to another place, away from family and friends."
I met 3 of the girls from my trip to Indonesia last summer. They exhorted me to learn Italian so we can actually talk next time we see each other. :)
"Kb. 400-an jottek el Olaszorszag minden reszerol. En is beszeltem, "Mi motival egy csalados embert arra, hogy osszepakoljon es elkoltozzon, tavol a csaladtol es baratoktol".
Talalkoztam harom lannyal, akikkel az Indoneziai utamon ismerkedtem meg. Lelkemre kotottek hogy tanuljak meg olaszul legkozelebbre, hogy akkor majd beszelhessunk is. :)
After the meeting I talked and talked and talked to people interested in missionary work. Many young people came to me to ask questions (and I think to practice English :)
Az alkalom utan sokan odajottek akiket erdekelt a misszios munka. Sok fiatal jott kerdeseikkel (es szerintem az angoljukat is akartak gyakorolni :)
On Sunday we had lunch with a couple from Sicily (on photo above, front row), Antonio and Isabella. 
The meal deserves some space here:
First course (Antipasto):
Salami, ham, lettuce with egg salad sauce, cheese, Sicilian olives (black and bitter), bread
Second course (Primo):
Lasagna (gluten-free). (I accepted an offer for seconds though I was full 
thinking we were almost done eating :\
Third course (Secondo+Insalata):
Lettuce with yellow corn and bratwurst.
Fourth course (Frutta):
Sliced pineapple. (I was seriously slipping into a food coma at this point!) :(
Fifth course (Dolce):
Chocolate covered wafer cake with cream between the wafers. (Thankfully I was allergic but I didnt get completely off. They brought out chocolates that had been checked for gluten. I ate one!)
Sixth course (Caffe):
  It was excellent food and they were great hosts and so genuine. I hope we get a chance to visit when I can speak the language. They are a strong Christian family and have stickers on their doors showing that they are Evangelical, have a fish symbol and a large window sticker that says GOD LOVESYOU.
But most importantly they are inviting people from the neighborhood to their home to study the Bible and tell them about Jesus. 
After the evening service there was more food. I just had coffee as I was totally stuffed from lunch still. Lots of visiting and making of promises to be speaking Italian the next time I come to Milano." 
Vasarnap egy Sziciliabol valo csaladdal ebedeltunk. (A fenti kepen, az elso sorban ok ulnek), 
Antonio es Isabella.  Az ebed megerdemel egy kis helyet itt:
Elso fogas (etvagygerjeszto): Szalami, sonka, zold salata tojaskremmel, sajt, sziciliai olivabogyo, kenyer.
Masodik fogas: Lasagna. (gluten mentes) Megengedtem, hogy repetat rakjanak a tanyeromra, bar teljesen tele voltam mar, mert azt hittem, hogy ez volt az utolso fogas.
Harmadik fogas: Salata kukoricaval es kolbasszal.
Negyedik fogas: Szeletelt ananasz. (Ekkor mar majdnem etel-komaba estem.) :(
Otodik fogas: Csokolade torta. Szerencsere allergias voltam ra. Na de ennyivel nem usztam meg. Kihoztak egy doboz csokoladet ami gluten-mentes volt. Megettem egy darabot.
Hatodik fogas: Kave. 
Az ebed amugy remek volt, nagyon jo hazigazdak voltak. Remelem meglatogathatjuk majd oket amikor mar beszelek olaszul. Nagyon bator keresztyen csalad volt amugy, nagy felirat volt a bejarati ajtojukon, hogy evangeliumi keresztyenek. Ez nagy szo a katolikus Olaszorszagban. Meg egy nagy HAL matrica az ablakon, es egy poszter: ISTEN SZERET TEGED! De ami a legfontosabb, rendszeresen hivnak meg szomszedokat az otthonukba es tanulmanyozzak a Bibliat egyutt es beszelnek nekik az UrJezusrol. 
A delutani Istentisztelet utan meg volt vacsora. En csak egy kavet ittam, mivel meg mindig dugig voltam az ebedtol. Sokat beszelgettunk, es megigertettek velem hogy amikor legkozelebb jovok Milanoba, mar fogok olaszul beszelni."
Scott and the mountains in Pietracatella
Scott es Pietracatella hegyei
Scott working on Dolores' Mac. He was gonna take it apart and bake it in the oven to fix it.
Not kidding.
Scott megszereli Dolores laptopjat
Benike     missing his papa
Benike. hianyzik papa
Scott with the coloring page Benike sent him
Scott a Benike altal szinezett rajzzal
Our project today: BUSYTOWN PUPPETS.ハート顔CLICK HERE for details on the project. 
Mai projektunk: TESZ-VESZ VAROS BABOK ハート顔KATTINTS IDE ha erdekel a projekt.

Benjamin's drawingsハート顔
Benike rajzai ハート顔

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