Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Edina became a US citizen! :)

I just realized that i never shared pictures with you yet about my American citizenship ceremony.
It was such a fun thing! There were 80 new citizens from 40 different countries.
There was a part of the ceremony when the judge would read out the different countries where we were from, but he had the wrong list! Hha! :) How does THAT happen? :)
So he was reading the countries, and we were to stand up when we heard our country. Except I didnt hear Hungary! So at the end the judge asked if there was anyone who didnt hear his or her country. Half of us raised our hands! :) It was a mess.... but not a big deal apparently! :)
Anyway... it was special to say the Pledge of Allegiance for the first time and to sing the Star Spangled Banner with my right hand place on my heart.
Most jottem ra, hogy meg nem raktam fel kepeket az amerikai allampolgarsagi ceremoniarol. 
Nagyon jo volt! 80 uj allampolgar volt aznap 40 kulonbozo orszagbol. 
Volt egy resz, ahol a biro felolvasta a kulonbozo orszagokat, ahonnan jottunk. A baj csak az volt, hogy a rossz lista volt nala! :) Ugyhogy Magyarorszagot nem is olvasta! Kicsit beijedtem, de nem volt olyan nagy ugy. A vegen megkerdezte, hogy van e valaki aki  nem hallotta a sajat orszagat. Minden masodik ember felnyujtotta a kezet! :) Volt egy kis kavarodas, de a vegere megoldodott. 
Jo erzes volt a nemzeti himnuszt enekelni eloszor, jobb kezemet a szivemre helyezve. 

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