Saturday, November 1, 2014

The day of the dead in Italy

It is November first and as we heard one of the biggest holidays in Italy. People flock to the cemeteries to decorate their loved ones' graves with flowers and little gifts. People even gift the children in the family in the name of one of their deceased ones. Friends told us the cemeteries are packed this weekend and the amount of flowers is unbelievable. We were encouraged to take a walk in the cemetery on Sunday, it would be an interesting cultural experience for us.

November 1-je van es ugy tudjuk, hogy ez az egyik legnagyobb unnep Olaszorszagban. Az emberek todulnak a temetobe hogy meltokeppen feldiszitsek szeretteik sirjat viragokkal es ajandekokkal. Lehet kisetalunk majd vasarnap hogy megnezzuk a sok viragot. A katolikusok imadkoznak a halottakert, es nagy tiszteletben tartjak oket. Meg a nevukben ajandekokat is adnak a gyerekeknek. Pl. Pistike, ezt a dednagypapadtol kapod (aki 20 eve halott mondjuk). Hat ilyen. 

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