Easter family picture 2014.
Husveti csaladi kep 2014.
Benjamin with his Easter treats. Here in Italy there is not really an egg-coloring tradition. Instead they give children these huge chocolate eggs with a little toy surprise in it.
Benike a husveti ajandekaival. Itt Olaszorszagban nem igazan van tojasfestesi hagyomany. Helyette hatalmas csokitojasokat adnak a gyerekeknek, amiben egy kis jatek-meglepetes van.
One of the our friends came over and brought these nice treats for us. Homemade olive oil, Easter pastries, farm eggs, locally made pasta.
Egyik ismerosunk athozott par finomsagot nekunk. Hazi keszitesu oliva olaj, hazi tojas, husveti sutik, helyi szarazteszta.
In church here there is not a big emphasis on Easter somehow. But our hearts were full with thankfulness and joy over our Lord's resurrection. He is risen! He is risen indeed! :)
A gyulekezetben itt nem unneplik kulonosebben a husvetot (sajnos). De a mi sziveink telve voltak halaval es orommel az Ur Jezus feltamadasa felett. :)
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