Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Church and picnic

On Sunday we went to church in Termoli. (bigger city, 10 kilometers from Petacciato)
This is an evangelical church. We had met most of the church members a few weeks ago at a regional evangelical church camp. So it was nice to see familiar faces.
Everyone was really nice, they have a very nice and modern church building and still lots of empty seats. Please pray for the Italians that they would find the Truth, that they would find Christ. 
Vasarnap Termoli varosban mentunk gyulekezetbe. (nagyobb varos kb 10 kilometerre tolunk)
Ez egy evangeliumi keresztyen gyulekezet. A legtobb gyulekezeti taggal mar talalkoztunk egy par hete, a regionalis gyulekezeti talalkozon. Ugyhogy jo volt latni ismeros arcokat. 
Mindenki nagyon kedves volt, nagyon szep es modern az imahazuk, es meg sok ures ulohely van. Kerlek, imadkozz az olaszokert, hogy megtalaljak az Igazsagot, hogy megtalaljak Jezust!

After church some of us went to the beach to have a picnic. It was nice fellowshiping together over  sandwiches. And the weather was beautiful too. We were enjoying God's creation. 
Istentisztelet utan nehanyan kimentunk a partra piknikezni. Nagyon jo volt uldogelni, beszelgetni, egyutt enni. Es az ido is gyonyoru volt. Elveztuk Isten josagat es alkotasat. 


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