Sunday, November 24, 2013

Benjamin in school

On Benjamin's birthday I asked his teachers if they would be able to take some pictures of Benjamin and his friends during the day. They were willing about it. Yay!
So in one hand we got some memories of Benjamin's kindergarten class, on his birthday, on the other hand I have been most curious to know what they are doing all day. Now I see where they eat lunch, how they do activities during the day, see how he interacts with his friends etc. Great!! 
Benike szulinapjan megkertem a tanito nenit hogy fenykepezzen egy parat napkozben Benikerol es a kis baratairol. Szivesen eleget tettek keresemnek! :) Nagyon orulok, mert legalabb kicsit kepet kaptam arrol, hogy mit is csinalnak egesz nap, es hogy Benike hogyan viszonyul a tobbiekhez. :)
Benjamin with his 2 best friends in class: Simone and Antonio
Benike 2 legjobb baratjaval: Simone es Antonio

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