Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Grocery shopping

I have been sick with bronchitis for 5 days now.... it was kinda nice to get out of the house for an hour {Edina}
Mar 5 napja beteg vagyok legcsohuruttal.... jo volt kimozdulni a hazbol egy orara {Edina}
We have been praying for a car for a while now. It came to happen that our co-workers, Emanuele and Daniele took a missions trip to Indonesia for 6 weeks and Emanuele allowed us to use his car during that time! :) This is so exciting, and we are so grateful. 
We felt like a little bit stuck in our town without a car (even though a few very nice families offered us to borrow their car anytime). But now we feel like free birds again. 
Instead of buying more expensive groceries in the small supermarkets, we cab drive to Termoli and go to Eurospin or other discount supermarkets. 
We are so grateful for this and for being able to save a little but of money in food. 

Please keep praying that the Lord will prepare a car for our family and the funds to buy it. 
Thank you! :)
Mar egy ideje imadkozunk egy autoert. Aztan ugy tortent, hogy 2 munkatarsunk, Emanuele es Daniele 6 hetre elutaztak Indoneziaba, misszios utra, es Emanuele kolcsonadta nekunk az autojat arra a 6 hetre! :)
Igy most van kocsink, vegre ki tudunk mozdulni a nagyobb varosba heti bevasarlasra {a kisvarosunkban dragabb az elelmiszer}
Meg egy kicsit depis is volt a "bezartsag", hogy nem tudtunk kimozdulni
Nagyon halasak vagyunk, hogy igy sporolhatunk egy kicsit a kajan. 
Kerunk imadkozzatok tovabbra is, hogy az Ur keszitsen nekunk egy autot hamarosan. Koszonjuk!! :)

Nice view as we are driving to Termoli for groceries
Szep kilatas ahogy megyunk Termoliba bevasarolni
 Here we are in Eurospin
It is a good supermarket, they have (almost) everything.
No sour cream, peanut butter or taco seasoning though :(
{just to mention a few things that I miss from the US}
Itt vagyunk az Eurospin-ben. Ez egy nagyon jo kis szupermarket, majdnem minden van.
Nincs tejfol, turorudi, szorpi vagy meggyes Marka udito... :(
{csak hogy egy parat emlitsek azok kozul a dolgok kozul, amik hianyoznak nekunk Mo-rol}

 Benjamin is his room
Benike a szobajaban 

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