Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Thank you note

About a week ago a placed a new bottle of shampoo next to the old one that only had enough for one more wash in it.
However I was most astonished to notice that I was able to squeeze "just one more handful" out of the bottle every morning in the last week. How is that possible!
The shampoo that just keeps giving....
As I was contemplating this in the shower this morning I couldn't but think ofSOMEONE who truly keeps giving... and never stops... and just keeps giving and giving and giving....
My Heavenly Father is the Maker of all things. He made us and He sustains us.
He provides us with vitals, air, water, nutrition...We truly depend on Him for ourLIFE!
How sad is it when people simply ignore, or what's worse, curse and blame Him. 
I just wanna THANK YOU   G o d for EVERYTHINGthis morning!!!
We humbly thank you! 

Kb egy hettel ezelott egy uj sampont tettem a regi melle, mert azmar majdnem kifogyott. 
De aztan dobbenten vettem eszre, hogy a regi samponos uvegbol minden reggel tudtam meg annyit kinyomni, ami eleg volt a hajmosasra. Hogyan lehetseges ez!
A sampon, ami mindig csak ad es ad....
Ahogy ezen elmelkedtem ma reggel a zuhany alatt, onkentelenul is Arra gondoltam, aki tenyleg MINDIG AD ES AD>>>>
A Mi Mennyei Atyank. O teremtett mindent. O teremtett minket is, es mindent ami az eletunk fenntartasahoz szukseges. Levego, viz, etel.... Tole fugg az eletunk!!
Milyen szomoru, hogy ma az emberek figyelmen kivul hagyjak ezt, es ami meg rosszabb, atkozzak az Urat. 
Alazatosan koszonok mindent!

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